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Rotonergic activity Adrenocorticotropic hormone and Favipiravir Cancer cortisol levels in plasma after 7 days of feeding Aggressive behavior Cortisol levels in plasma Cortisol and melatonin levels in plasma Plasma cortisol levels at day 10 after tryptophan therapy Plasma cortisol levels at days eight and 21 just after tryptophan treatmentTryptophanSalmo trutta1 Oncorhynchus mykiss2,3,4,5,Transfer to a brand new atmosphere Residentintruder test Lowering the water level for 2 h0.22.06 TrpLNNA 0.15.5 0.44.57Lowering the water level for two h Daily social interaction for 1 h followed by a residentintruder test right after 1 week Lowering the water level for two h Salmo salar 7,8 Confinement for 30 min at days 1, two, and ten just after tryptophan remedy Acute crowding strain for 1 h at days eight and 21 immediately after tryptophan remedy Vitamin C Vitamin E Salmo salar 9 Oncorhynchus mykiss10,11 Confinement for 2 h Higher density (one hundred kgm3 ) High density (80 kgm3 )three; 7; 28 7 7 7 7 161 420.044.357 0.044.357 0.044.357 0.four.58 Plasma antibody titers at 43 days post-immunization 0.002560.02756 0.0104750.060075 MCV Cortisol and lactate levels in plasma SOD in liver MDA in liver SGR, WG, FI Plasma cortisol levels in infected and stressed and infected groups Plasma cortisol levels in stressed groups Side-effects of pressure on microflora profiles WG, FENucleotide (Optimum) Oncorhynchus mykiss12,Netting, air exposure for 30 s, and crowding at 100 kgm3 for three h0.2High density (30 kgm3 ) Salmo trutta caspius14 Netting, air exposure for 30 s, and crowding at 100 kgm3 for 3 h Transfer to salt water (18 gL)450.2 0.15.5Serum urea and ACH50 levels No impact on growth Plasma cortisol and glucose levels at 8 h following acute strain Final weight Plasma cortisol levels at 120 h following acute stress Final weight Plasma cortisol levels WG, FI Serum lactate, ALP and ALT levels Hepatic GPx activity SOD activity in liver No effects on growth ROS in blood Hepatic MDA Complete physique copper MDA levels in serum and muscle Serum GPx activity HSP70 expression in muscle Final weight, FI0.15.5Nucleotide (Maxi-Gen Plus)# SeleniumSalmo salar 15 Oncorhynchus mykiss11,16,Smoltification approach Higher density (80 kgm3 )1220.05.60 0.0000350.000135Acute tension for 7 days consisting of a combination of day-to-day crowding and handling (i.e., netting and air exposure for 30 s) twice a day Higher density (100 kgm3 )0.000730.000740.000080.00011ACH50, Option Complement Pathway; ALT, Alanine Aminotransferase; ALP, Alkaline Phosphatase; FE, Feed Efficiency; FI, Feed Intake; GPx, Glutathione Peroxidase; HSP70, Heat Shock Protein 70; LNNA, Significant Neutral Amino Acids; MCV, Mean Corpuscular Volume; MDA, Malondialdehyde; ROS, Reactive Oxygen Species; SGR, Precise Development Price; SOD, Superoxide Dismutase; Trp, Tryptophan; WG, Weight Gain. 1 H lund et al. (44); 2 Winberg et al. (166); three Lepage et al. (167); 4 Lepage et al. (97); 5 Lepage et al. (168); six Lepage et al. (55); 7 Fundamental et al. (169); eight H lund et al. (170); 9 Thompson et al. (60); 10 Trenzado et al. (171); 11 Naderi et al. (172); 12 Tahmasebi-Kohyani et al. (85); 13 Yousefi et al. (173); 14 Kenari et al. (23); 15 Fu et al. (25); 16 Rider et al. (165); 17 K�� bay et al. (88). Optimumsupplied by Chemoforma (Augst, Switzerland). # Maxi-Gen Plussupplied by Canadian Bio-Systems Inc. (Calgary, AB, Canada).Frontiers in Endocrinology | www.frontiersin.orgJuly 2019 | Volume 10 | ArticleHerrera et al.Additives for Fish Anxiety MitigationTABLE 4 | Common.

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