Mporary analytic theology, two extensions of this fundamental claim have already been proposed: CT and NCT–with the former, as outlined by (2), postulating the existence of a perfect and ultimate source of reality which can be uncomplicated, timeless, immutable and impassible, and also the latter, based on (three), postulating the existence of a perfect and ultimate source of reality that is complex, temporal, mutable and passible. These extensions of Theism seem to be mutually exclusive; yet the sources of authority for a traditionalist–a religious adherent who affirms the veracity of both Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture–require them to affirm each conceptions of God, with Sacred Tradition requiring one particular to conceive of God because the God of CT, and Sacred Scripture requiring a single to conceive of God because the God NCT. The traditionalist is hence caught in a dilemma: the Theism Dilemma, where one must conceive of God in both approaches by assenting towards the truth of (4), which results in the traditionalist affirming a clear contradiction. So the question presented towards the traditionalist is: how can one particular take both horns from the dilemma (as the traditionalist is expected to do) devoid of falling into absurdity Effectively, how one can indeed do that is by employing the notion of OP that was detailed in this section. Now, within the application of the thesis of OP inside a Theistic context (hereafter, Theistic OP), we take it to become the case that in reality, you’ll find two ontological structures: an abstract ontological structure in addition to a concrete ontological structure, each of which can be representedReligions 2021, 12,dilemma: the Theism Dilemma, where one have to conceive of God in both RP101988 Description techniques by assenting towards the truth of (4), which results in the traditionalist affirming a clear contradiction. So the query presented to the traditionalist is: how can 1 take both horns on the dilemma (as the traditionalist is expected to accomplish) with no falling into absurdity Well, how 1 can certainly do that is by employing the notion of OP that was ten of 29 detailed in this section. Now, in the application from the thesis of OP within a theistic context (hereafter, Theistic OP), we take it to be the case that in reality, there are actually two ontological structures: an abstract ontological structure and a concrete ontologicalpegs that represent the can by a particular pegboard–with each and every pegboard having structure, each of which GLPG-3221 Protocol entities that be represented by a particular pegboard–with each pegboard having pegs that represent exist within that offered ontological structure. We can illustrate these many pegboards because the entities that exist within that given ontological structure. We can illustrate these follows via Figure 3 (where, within the left image, `Abstract’ stands for `abstract ontological numerous pegboards as follows through Figure three (where, within the left image, `Abstract’ stands structure’, ontological for any `particular set for any `particular `God peg’, `G’ for `God for `abstract `Sn ‘ stands structure’, `Sn’ stands peg’ and `G’ forset peg’ and whereas, within the ideal image, `Concrete’ proper image, `Concrete’ stands for `concrete ontological structure’, peg’, whereas, in thestands for `concrete ontological structure’, `On ‘ stands for any `particular object peg’, `G’ `particular object peg’, various colours as well as the various colours `On’ stands for a for `God peg’, and the `G’ for `God peg’, represent the distinct properties which are the unique by each and every peg): represent instantiated properties which might be instantiated by every single.