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S and samples had been filtered via 0.45 m membrane filters prior to evaluation. Protocatechuic acid (D1) and chlorogenic acid (D6) had been bought from the National Institute for the Manage of Pharmaceutical and Biological Items (Beijing, China); Neochlorogenic acid (D3) and cryptochlorogenic acid (D9) have been obtained from Chengdu Biopurify Phytochemicals Ltd. (Chengdu, China); Loganin (D7) and sweroside (D13) was bought from Shanghai Yuanye BioTechnology Co. Ltd (Shanghai, China); three, 4dimethoxyphenol Dapiofuranosyl (1 6)Dglucopyranoside (D5), kelampayoside A (D8), naucleamide A10ODglucopyranoside (D15), naucleamide G (D17), pumiloside (D18), 3epipumiloside (D19), 3, 5tetrahydrodeoxycordifoline lactam (D23), strictosamide (D24) and vincosamide (D25) had been isolated from Nauclea officinalis in our laboratory and their structures were confirmed depending on spectroscopic analysis (MS, 1 HNMR and 13CNMR).[23] The purities of all of the standards have been not significantly less than 98 . 5 batches of Danmu Injection (110601, 110616,Pharmacognosy Magazine | July-September 2014 | Vol 10 | IssueChemicals and materialsHPLCDADESI MS SYSTEMChromatographic analysisAn Agilent series 1200 HPLC instrument (Agilent, Waldbronn, Germany) equipped with a quaternary pump,Table 1: Linear regression data, LOD and LOQ of the investigated compoundsAnalyte D1 D3 D6 D9 D15 D17 D18 D19 D23 D24 D25 Calibration curve Linear range (g/mL) R2 LOQ LOD (ng) (ng)y=31.629 x-11.25 3.22 161.28 1.0000 4.86 1.62 y=13.359 x-5.1437 0.63 31.60 0.9998 six.40 1.28 y=11.952 x+0.218 0.80 39.80 0.9999 five.71 1.43 y=13.934 x-1.351 0.62 30.80 1.0000 8.86 two.21 y=32.635 x+16.098 1.71 85.60 0.9999 9.56 4.28 y=20.472 x+2.505 1.60 80.00 1.0000 eight.00 2.67 y=44.942 x-4.7128 1.62 81.00 1.0000 8.20 2.05 y=43.316 x-5.4285 1.21 60.40 1.0000 6.00 1.50 y=23.723 x-5.5732 0.85 42.40 0.9999 four.24 1.06 y=31.835 x+84.135 12.02 601.20 0.9999 80.13 20.03 y=34.35 x-8.4458 0.82 41.00 1.0000 three.42 1.LOD: Limits of detection; LOQ: Limits of quantificationZhu, et al.: Qualitative and quantitative analysis of constituents in Danmu injectiona diodearray detector, an auto sampler and a column compartment was applied. The samples were separated on a Welch Material XBC18 (four.6 mm 250 mm, 5 m, Welch Material). The mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile (A) and water containing 0.1 formic acid (B). A gradient system was utilized as follows: 0 70 min, 1 35 A, 70 75 min, 35 95 A. Flow rate was 1.0 mL/min, Column temperature was 25 .Trimetrexate The injection volume was 20 L. Detection wavelength was set at 260 nm for protocatechuic acid, 327 nm for neochlorogenic acid, chlorogenic acid and cryptochlorogenic acid, 245 nm for pumiloside and 3epipumiloside, 226 nm for naucleamide A10ODglucopyranoside, naucleamide G, three, 5tetrahydrodeoxycordifoline lactam, strictosamide and vincosamide, respectively.Pivekimab Mass spectrometryRESULTSIdentification of chemical constituents in Danmu injectionMass spectrometry was performed working with Agilent 6310 mass spectrometers (Agilent, Waldbronn, Germany) equipped with ESI interface and ion trap analyzer.PMID:35345980 The ESIMS spectra of samples and reference compounds were acquired in each constructive and negative ionization modes. The parameters were as follows: the drying gas temperature was set at 350 and the capillary voltage was set at 3.five kV, skimmer voltage at 40 V, Flow price of nebulizing gas (N2) 12 L/min; and stress of drying gas (N2) 35 psi. Mass spectrometry was performed in the fullscan mode (MS1) and automatic multiplestage fragmentations.

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