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Logy Thermo Fisher Scientific Abclonal Abclonal Abclonal Abclonal Abcam Abmart Abmart Genscript Thermo Fisher Scientific Genscript Genscript This Study This StudyIDENTIFIER Cat# ab50793, RRID: AB_881492 Cat# 8242, RRID: AB_10859369 Cat# 3033, RRID: AB_331284 Cat# 2682, RRID: AB_331626 Cat# 2697, RRID: AB_2079382 Cat# MA5-15532, RRID: AB_10989032 Cat# A14755, RRID: AB_2761631 Cat# A0152, RRID: AB_2756984 Cat# A8438, RRID: AB_2770495 Cat# A18858, RRID: AB_2862485 Cat# ab225868 Cat# M20008; RRID: AB_2713960 Cat# M20003 Cat# A00702-100, RRID: AB_914102 Cat# A32731, RRID: AB_2633280 Cat# A00160, RRID: AB_1968937 Cat# A00098, RRID: AB_1968815 N/A N/AInvitrogen MedChemExpress Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich Yuanye BioTechnology MedChemExpress Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich MedChemExpress N/A Vazyme Invitrogen Sigma-Aldrich Promega Merck RocheCat# L3000015 Cat# HY-12320 Cat# P0500 Cat# O1008 Cat# 85679 Cat# L1376 Cat# Y28446 Cat# HY-B0215 Cat# 44925 Cat# H6503 Cat# A2220 Cat# M8823 Cat# HY-16637 ten.15252/emmm.201809469 Cat# R401-01 Cat# 15070063 Cat# D8417 Cat# E1910 Cat# 17-295 Cat# 07027290190 (Continued on subsequent web page)e1 Cell Reports Medicine 4, 100953, March 21,llArticleContinued REAGENT or RESOURCE Homocysteine Enzyme Immunoassay Kit Cell Counting Kit-8 FITC Annexin V Apoptosis Detection Kit I DAB Substrate Kit PierceTM ECL Plus Western Blotting Substrate HiScript III 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit ClonExpress MultiS One particular Step Cloning Kit ChamQ SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix Deposited information GC-FID/MS information Experimental models: Cell lines HL-1 H9C2 HEK293T Experimental models: Organisms/strains C57 BL/6J Mars heterozygous knockout mice Sprauge-Dawley rats Oligonucleotides siRNA Oligonucleotides qRT-PCR primers ChIP primers Recombinant DNA Mammalian Expression Plasmids Computer software and algorithms ImageJ Graphpad Prism 8 Proteome Discoverer two.SAG four Mascot two.Valecobulin hydrochloride 7.PMID:23255394 0 R 2.17 JASPAR database ImageJ Graphpad software Thermo Fisher Scientific Matrix Science R studio JASPAR RRID:SCR_003070 https://www.graphpad/ RRID:SCR_002798 RRID:SCR_014477 http://www.matrixscience RRID:SCR_014322 RRID:SCR_003030 This Study Table S5 This Study This Study This Study Table S5 Table S5 Table S5 Shanghai SLAC Laboratory Animal Co., Ltd. Gempharmatech Shanghai SLAC Laboratory Animal Co., Ltd. N/A N/A N/A Merck ATCC ATCC Cat# SCC065 RRID: CVCL_0303 Cat# CRL-1446 Cat# CRL-11268 MetaboLights Source Axis Shield Dojindo BD Pharmingen Beyotime Thermo Fisher Scientific Vazyme Vazyme Vazyme IDENTIFIER Cat# FHCY100 Cat# CK04 Cat# 556547 Cat# P0203 Cat# 32132 Cat# R312-01 Cat# C113-02 Cat# Q411-OPEN ACCESSRESOURCE AVAILABILITY Lead speak to Further information and facts and requests for resources and reagents needs to be directed to and will be fulfilled by the lead make contact with, Jian-Yuan Zhao ([email protected]). Materials availability All reagents generated within this study are obtainable from the lead make contact with with no restriction. Information and code availability d GC-FID/MS raw data have been deposited within the MetaboLights repository ( beneath the accession number MTBLS6982. d This paper doesn’t report original code.Cell Reports Medicine 4, 100953, March 21, 2023 ellOPEN ACCESSArticledAny extra details required to reanalyze the information reported within this perform paper is readily available in the lead make contact with upon request.EXPERIMENTAL MODEL AND Subject Details Study pa.

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