nduced hESCs into PDX1-expressing cells. By testing out the optimal concentration and timing of adding FGF4 and RA, we show for the first time that RA and FGF4 in a dose-dependent manner synergistically induce differentiation into PDX1+ cells. In contrast to the in vivo situation, FGF4 does not influence anterior-posterior patterning of the gut endoderm, but promotes cell survival. Furthermore, we show that RA is required for converting AA-induced hESCs into PDX1+ cells, and that part of the underlying mechanism involves FGFR signaling. Finally, further characterization of the PDX1+ cells suggests that they represent foregut endoderm. We speculate that these cells represent multipotent foregut endoderm with the potential to become pancreatic, posterior stomach, or duodenal endoderm. Interestingly, activin-treated hESCs that spontaneously differentiate in the absence of exogenous RA and FGF4 adopt a liver fate, as 22315414 assessed by the expression of AFP, Albumin and PROX1. RA signaling is necessary for PDX1 induction RA and FGF4 signaling coordinate anterior-posterior patterning of the gut endoderm. Moreover, both RA and FGF PDX1+ Foregut from hESCs 9 PDX1+ Foregut from hESCs RA plays a prominent and conserved role in pancreas specification. Preceding pancreas formation, RA also regulates pre-patterning of endoderm. Consistent with these findings, RA promotes differentiation of PDX1-expressing cells from mESCs and hESCs. The lack of data on the optimal timing of adding RA to hESCs differentiating towards endodermal derivatives led us to follow the expression-pattern of RARb. We show that the AA-induction upregulates RARb already at day four. Consistently, we find that adding RA directly after the AA-induction results in the most efficient induction of PDX1 expression. Dessimoz et al. show that in 9128839 chick studies, FGF4 induces posterior endoderm markers in a concentration dependent manner and inhibits expression of anterior endoderm markers, such as Hex1 and Nkx2.1. Furthermore, they also demonstrate that moderate levels of FGF4 maintain Pdx1 expression, whereas high levels of FGF4 signaling repress Pdx1 expression. However, whether FGF4 exhibits the same activity on BS-181 chemical information pluripotent stem cell-derived endoderm in vitro remains unknown. Here, we tested the role of FGF4 alone and in combination with RA in inducing PDX1 expression. FGF4 alone was unable to induce PDX1+ cells from AA-induced hESCs independent of the concentration used and time of addition. Notably, FGF4 exhibited no posteriorizing effect on gut endoderm as determined by markers characteristic for anterior and posterior gut endoderm. However, in combination with RA, FGF4 promoted cell survival. Whether FGF4 exhibit additional effects on cell differentiation remains to be determined. Interestingly, the observation that blockage of FGF signaling in the presence of RA reduced relative PDX1 mRNA expression is consistent with such an activity. Co-localization studies show that a fraction of FOXA2+ cells coexpress PDX1, but that all PDX1+ cells co-express FOXA2. FOXA2 is a member of the signaling nuclear factor-3/forkhead family of transcription factors, which is expressed in foregut endoderm and the derivatives thereof as well as in some ectodermal and mesodermal tissues. This observation suggests that all PDX1+ cells are of a foregut origin. Foxa2 is co-expressed with the ONECUT transcription factor Hnf6 in the developing pancreatic epithelium. In the mouse embryo, Hnf6 is expressed in many ti