measured on 5th day and the data was expressed as total primary root length in centimeters. Materials and Methods Plant material and chemicals Arabidopsis thaliana wild type cultivar Columbia seeds were procured from Lehle Seeds. The Arabidopsis line stably expressing the DR5: GUS reporter fusion was obtained from Dr. Thomas order LY-2835219 Guilfoyle, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211. KCN was obtained from Fluka, Germany. Compartment plate assay to study the indirect effect of pseudomonad strains on the growth of A. thaliana Col-0 roots The indirect effect of pseudomonad strains on A. thaliana Col-0 roots was studied by using compartment plates. Of the two opposite compartments, one was filled with MS solid medium with 3% sucrose and the other was filled with LB solid medium. The compartment with LB medium was inoculated by spotting 10 ml of 0.020.05 OD600 cultures of different strains grown in LB liquid medium with or without antibiotic selection. The plates were incubated overnight at 37uC and the next day the opposite compartment with MS solid medium was cultured with 34 day old A. thaliana Col-0 plants. Plants were added by laying them vertically, opposite to the compartment with the bacterial colony. The 23316025 plates were made airtight by sealing with parafilm and incubated vertically at 2362uC. The plant growth in terms of primary root length was measured on 5th day and the data was expressed as total primary root length in centimeters. Culture conditions Seeds were washed in double distilled water three times and surface sterilized using 50% commercial bleach for 35 min followed by 34 washes in sterile distilled water. The seeds were cultured on Murashige and Skoog’s solid medium with 3% sucrose and allowed to germinate for 34 days by incubating at 2362uC under 16 hr light and 8 hr dark. The plates were illuminated with cool fluorescent light with an intensity of 24 mmol m22 s21. Kinetics of cyanide production in different pseudomonad strains The kinetics of cyanide production at different time points was studied by growing the pseudomonad strains in 10 ml of LB broth. The culture was initiated by adding 2 ml culture of each strain, prepared from overnight grown cultures. The cultures were incubated in a shaking incubator maintained at 37uC and set at 220 rpm. To estimate the cyanide content, a set of three culture 2298299 flasks were removed at each time point and centrifuged to pellet out the cells. The cyanide content in the Microbial strains and culture conditions The P. aeruginosa strains PAO1, PA14 were grown on Luria broth agar plates with 20 mg ml21 rifampicin. The P. fluorescens strains CHAO, CHAO77 mutant), P. aeruginosa cyanide synthase mutant PAO6344 and quorum sensing mutant PAO210 derived from PAO1 parent strain Pseudomonad Cyanogenesis supernatant was then estimated by using ISM-146CN; C procured from Lazar research Laboratories, Inc, Los Angeles, CA-90038, USA, by following a previously reported protocol. The micro combination ion cyanide electrode is a combination electrode not requiring a separate reference electrode and can measure in volumes as low as,10 ml. Measurements were made by connecting electrode to a Mettler-Toledo MP220 pH meter set to read on mV. The cyanide content was calculated using a standard curve developed using standard KCN and data was presented as mM of cyanide ions produced. All the treatments had three replicates and the experiment was completed on two independent occasions. supplemented with 5 ml of 0.02 O