ot affect the residual adherence to the plastic surface, and the higher concentrations partially blocked adherence. Taken together, these results show that adherence to polystyrene is followed by aggregation to form a biofilm, and is mediated by the RO4929097 amyloidforming region of Als5p in the S. cerevisiae model. The similar behavior in C. albicans further supports the hypothesis that amyloid sequences in Als or other adhesins are important in biofilm formation. Effects of an amyloid-forming peptide and an amyloid 23370967 inhibitory peptide on model biofilms Since a mutation in the Als5p amyloid-forming sequence disrupted adherence and aggregation on plastic, we hypothesized that the V326N and amyloid-forming Als5p peptides would also affect adhesion on polystyrene. The cells were incubated without or with amyloid forming peptide SNGIV326IVATTRTV or the V326N non-amyloid peptide. Microscopy and quantification revealed that the amyloid forming peptide rescued S. cerevisiae cells expressing Als5pV326N. In the presence of the amyloidinducing peptide, these cells formed large aggregates like C. albicans and S. cerevisiae cells expressing wild type protein. Conversely, the V326N peptide effectively blocked adherence and aggregation on 10542155 plastic for each type of cell. Quantification of adhesion to the polystyrene confirmed that Als5pWT-S. cerevisiae and C. albicans cells that were treated with amyloid-forming peptide bound better than untreated cells. Additionally, Als5pV326N cells that were treated with the wild type peptide exhibited a nearly two-fold increase in adherence relative to cells not incubated with peptide. These results show that a peptide inhibitor of amyloid formation can Discussion Amyloid-forming sequences are widespread in fungal adhesion proteins that form cellular aggregates. That being said, there remains the question of whether amyloid formation per se is the function of these sequences in situ on the cell surface. We and others previously reported that anti-amyloid treatments disrupt Als protein-mediated aggregation. We have also demonMarch 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 3 | e17632 Amyloids in Cell Aggregation and Biofilms 7 March 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 3 | e17632 Amyloids in Cell Aggregation and Biofilms 8 March 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 3 | e17632 Amyloids in Cell Aggregation and Biofilms 9 March 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 3 | e17632 Amyloids in Cell Aggregation and Biofilms topographic image of a C. albicans cell. Adhesion force map recorded with an Als5p1-431-derivatized tip on a given target area of the native cell. Second adhesion force map recorded on the same target area. Adhesion force map recorded on a remote area localized several hundred nanometers away from the first map. Confocal imaging of punctate fluorescent nanodomains on aggregated C. albicans treated with Als5p or Als5pV326N peptide and stained with 100 nM thioflavin-T. Cartoon model of force-induced amyloid-dependent clustering of Als5p. Cell walls are shown as heavy greent lines. Als5p adhesion molecules have green Ig-like binding domains, a red amyloid sequence, and a black line representing the TR and stalk domains. Application of pulling force in the AFM or mixing in the aggregation assays causes formation of amyloid-like arrays on the cell surface. The formation of these arrays is blocked in the presence of Congo red, high concentrations of thioflavin T, or by V326N peptide or mutation. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0017632.g007 strated that a V326N mutation in Als5p prevent