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iate from similar numbers of weak and strong growth phenotypes. Carbon source utilization cluster analyses by pathway and enzyme We assessed whether gains and losses of carbon GW788388 site sources cluster by strain using multiscale bootstrap resampling, with 1000 permutations. We produced a matrix between carbon sources reflecting ability to be utilized by the same strains. Each carbon source was then assigned a cluster and similar clusters were joined together until 11179435 there was only a single cluster remaining. To assess if these patterns were driven by overlapping metabolic pathways, pathway data for each carbon source was acquired from the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes v62.0. Carbon sources were clustered by Ward’s method according to their presence 2 Carbon Trait Variation and the Metabolic Network Carbon Trait Variation and the Metabolic Network or absence in each metabolic pathway or based on direct interactions with enzymes. Isolation predicted by carbon sources We assessed whether carbon source use patterns were driven by a common environment by predicting strain isolations based on carbon source sets. We used a k-nearest neighbor classification with a leave-one-out cross validation scheme to determine if carbon source sets could be used to predict strain isolation. Results Carbon source utilization diversity Carbon utilization is diverse within the genus Saccharomyces. On average, strains can grow on approximately 8 carbon sources; however strains can use a range of 1 to 37 carbon sources. Saccharomyces strains differ in their growth rate on most carbon sources. In the data analyzed here, strains display either a normal or weak growth phenotype on each carbon source. On average, strains grow normally on 7 carbon sources and grow weakly on an additional 1.88 carbon sources. All strains grow normally on glucose. To test whether some carbon sources are more likely to result in a slow versus normal growth phenotype, we examined the association between carbon sources and growth rate phenotype. Out of the 45 tested carbon sources, 11 carbon sources are overrepresented for normal growth across strains, relative to a weak growth phenotype. For example, all 488 strains display a normal growth phenotype on glucose, indicating that glucose is 10980276 overrepresented for the normal growth phenotype. This over-representation is expected, as glucose is the preferentially used carbon source of S. cerevisiae and other species in the genus. Additional carbon sources which display an overrepresentation for the normal growth phenotype include sucrose, D-galactose, a,atrehalose, and maltose. In contrast, 4 carbon sources show an overrepresentation for a weak growth phenotype, relative to normal growth phenotype: starch, succinate, ribitol, and propane 1,2 diol . For example, of the 55 strains that can use starch, 40 display a weak growth phenotype. This over-representation of weak growth is consistent with previous work showing that while starch can be used by S. cerevisiae and other species, they are inefficient at hydrolyzing starch. Patterns of gain and loss in carbon utilization Carbon Trait Variation and the Metabolic Network patterns of carbon utilization traits. Comparing the sister carbon sources in Discussion We hypothesized that carbon utilization clusters in Saccharomyces may be the result of two possible mechanisms: pleiotropy due to shared metabolic pathways or overlapping enzymes among carbon sources or multi-trait coevolution due to similarities

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