utputs, as inhibition of cell growth and stimulation of apoptosis. Here we report a comprehensive phosphoproteomics screen of TGFb1 signaling in MCF10A human breast epithelial cells. Systemic analysis showed that TGFb1-regulated phosphoproteins form a scale-free network, which orchestrates cell metabolism, organization, development, proliferation, death and differentiation, response to stress, and various signaling pathways. The phosphoproteome analysis showed an importance of TGFb1dependent phosphorylation of 14-3-3s for a signaling network, which contributes to regulation of gene transcription, tumorigenicity and DNA repair. extract, and 5% horse serum, with and without TGFb1 treatment at concentration of 5 ng/ml. GST-pull down assay For GST-pull down assay GST, GST-Smad3, GSTSmad3MH1, GST-Smad3MH2 proteins were expressed in BL21 cells and purified according to standard protocols using Glutatione-Sepharose. HEK293T cells were transfected with pcDNA3.1 vector expressing 14-3-3s-Flag protein. Total proteins from HEK293T cells were extracted using lysis buffer containing 1% NP-40, 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 10 mg/ml aprotinin and 1 mM PMSF. The sepharose beads were added to the cell lysate and incubated overnight at 4uC. After 3 washes with ice-cold lysis buffer, the samples were dissolved in a sample buffer for SDS-PAGE. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis Samples for two-dimensional gel electrophoresis were prepared according to the protocol described for Fe-IMAC. Twodimensional gel electrophoresis was AVL 292 performed as described earlier,. Briefly, prepared samples were subjected to isoelectric focusing using IPGDry strips with immobilized pH gradient, pH range 310, 18 cm, linear. 2D-GE was performed according to the protocol described earlier,. SDSPAGE was performed in 12% polyacrylamide gels. After the electrophoresis, gels were fixed in 10% acetic acid and 20% methanol for 1012 h. Proteins were detected by silver staining, as described earlier,. Totally, 6 gels with samples from three experiments were prepared and subjected to analysis. Materials and Methods Cell cultures and antibodies HEK293T, MCF7 and MCF10A cells were obtained from American Type Culture Collection. 293T and MCF7 cells were cultured in DMEM with 10% of fetal bovine serum, penicillin and streptomycin at concentration of 100 units/ ml. MCF10A cells were cultured in a MEGM medium supplemented with EGF, insulin, hydrocortisone, bovine pituitary extract and 5% horse serum. The antibodies used were: anti-Smad3, anti-phospho-p53, Ser15, anti-phospho-p53, Ser 392 ; anti- 14-3-3s; anti-cMyc , anti- p-Tyr antibody , antip-Thr antibody , anti-p-Ser 18418891 antibody , anti-flag, anti-b-actin, donkey anti-rabbit and sheep 7583217 anti-mouse IgG, HRP-linked whole Ab. Gel analysis Silver stained gels were scanned and analyzed by the ImageMaster 2D Platinum Version 6.0. Gels that did not show deviations in pattern of protein migration were used to generate master gels of the phosphoproteome of cells treated or not treated with TGFb1. Proteins changing their phosphorylation after treatment with TGFb1 were considered for identification. Statistical significance of changes was evaluated using the ImageMaster 2D Platinum Version 6.0 software. Luciferase reporter assay Reporter assays with CAGA -luc and E2F2-luc reporters were performed as described previously. We used HEK293T cells, because they are responsive to TGFb1 and are easily transfectable. Protein identification Protein spots were exci