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s flanking the RBD have been demonstrated to constitute a domain required for the formation of Dansyl chloride supplier homooligomeric Rev complexes. Detailed biophysical studies suggested that this region forms an amino-terminal amphipathic helix-turn-helix motif. The cis-acting target site of Rev on viral RNA is a complex stem-loop structure of 351 nucleotides, termed the Rev Response Element, that is located in the env gene. The RRE contains a single, primary, high-affinity Rev binding site, termed stem-loop IIB . The initial binding of a single Rev molecule to the SLIIB element initiates the oligomerization of Rev proteins through cooperative assembly along the RRE. In PubMed ID: fact, in vitro the occupation of the RRE by as many as 13 Rev molecules has been reported. The mechanism of the cooperative assembly of Rev Functional Analysis of HIV-1 Rev Oligomerization monomers on the RRE has been suggested to involve two hydrophobic regions in Rev that form a series of symmetrical head-to-head and tail-to-tail protein:protein interactions. Although it is well established that this self-association of Rev on the RRE is required for Rev trans-activation, it is still unknown how many Rev molecules are sufficient to create a trans-activation competent Rev:RRE RNA complex. Attempts to answer this question are hampered by the fact that Rev is characterized by a strong and uncontrolled tendency to self-associate in solution, a process that is not required for Rev function but may compromise the formation of higher Rev:RRE complexes in in vitro experiments. Therefore, we used here cell-based functional studies to analyze in detail the effect of Rev homooligomer formation on transactivation mediated by this essential HIV-1 regulatory protein. Results Functional Rescue of a Multimerization-deficient Rev Mutant by Fusion to Heterologous Dimerization Domains Prior to selecting an oligomerization-deficient Rev mutant for further analyses various functional aspects of Rev had to be considered. The dependence of Rev’s function on the formation of Rev oligomers on the RRE implies that the expression of an oligomerization-deficient Rev mutant should exert a dominantnegative phenotype over the wildtype protein. A classical NES-deficient trans-dominant Rev mutant such as, for example, the RevM10 protein , is able to occupy Rev’s primary binding site SLIIB or, alternatively, can be recruited into nascent Rev homooligomeric complexes on the RRE by protein:protein interaction with wildtype Rev . In contrast, oligomerization-defective Rev mutants are able to block the SLIIB, but cannot obstruct higher order complexes composed of wildtype Rev molecules. Thus, when directly compared, the trans-dominant phenotype of an oligomerization-defective Rev mutant is less pronounced as opposed to the phenotype of an export-deficient mutant. A frequently overlooked aspect is the fact that Rev mutants that are deficient in their capacity to oligomerize on the RRE have been typically identified in vitro using purified components. However, in living cells homooligomer formation by these Rev mutants may still occur. For example, the frequently analyzed RevM4 mutant protein has been reported to be multimerization-deficient in vitro, but forms to a significant extent homooligomeric complexes on RRE RNA in vivo. In agreement with the latter finding, RevM4 is not able to block Rev function in a trans-dominant manner, which, as outlined above, should be the case for a bona fide oligomerization-defective mutant. The

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