Ntral and complementary elements, each modular and interdependent, held with each other by a shared set of guidelines and by a complete worth proposition. Accordingly, platforms may well be conceptualized as meta-organizations, which are significantly less formal and less hierarchical than firms, and yet more coupled than markets. To succeed, platforms need coordination amongst many actors and interests that are not necessarily aligned. In this line, sustainability can act as driver of convergence along with a digital platform may well be built about it. Therefore, a digital platform ecosystem oriented toward sustainability may perhaps be conceived as a sustainable meta-organizational model (Mattila et al. 2020; Kretschmer et al. 2020) that integrates innovative, hybrid technologies to marketplace troubles and sustainable development motives. A clear instance of this dynamic may very well be located inside the integration involving green and blue technologies. Green technologies are defined as “techniques and technologies capable of lowering environmental harm by means of processes and materials that create fewer potentially damaging substances, o-Phenanthroline Cancer recover such substances from emissions prior to discharge, or use and recycle production residues” (United Nations 1997, p. 30). Green technologies make probable the joint management of environmental challenges together with the aim of worth creation (OECD 2009, 2011). On the other hand, blue technologies may well be defined as the bundle of emerging digital technologies that have disruptive (but nevertheless virtuous) effects around the social, environmental, and economic fabric, opening new spaces of possibilities and possibilities (Schumpeter 1934; Floridi 2020). Thus, the green/blue binomial enables the coordination and care of the social fabric, combining the green economy of environmental capitalism using the blue economy of digital capitalism, and as a result, providing rise to new Hexythiazox medchemexpress models of coordination and new mechanisms of governance (Floridi 2020). The hybridization of those technologies enables the achievement of theAdm. Sci. 2021, 11,8 ofambitious target of creating sustainable and revolutionary options. The mixture of green and blue can radically strengthen how firms and societies innovate, generate, and consume merchandise and services. Blue technologies can come to be the most beneficial ally of green technologies and nature. In every day reality, we find several examples exactly where blue and green technologies converge inside the style of sustainable options. Contemporary cities are moving toward sustainable management models due to this mixture. A striking case is electric mobility. An electric scooter clearly constitutes a green technology. In cities, these technologies are connected to blue technologies, i.e., a scooter sharing app to access the service. Therefore, digital platforms could clearly be a model via which green and blue technologies can integrate, converging towards sustainability. Soon after demonstrating why a digital platform ecosystem may very well be conceived as a metaorganizational model oriented towards sustainability, the rest of this section aims to shed light around the design of a sustainable digital platform ecosystem, also stressing the significance of two essential aspects: the platform sponsor and digital algorithms. In distinct, digital algorithms characterize diverse moments of digital platform ecosystems: (a) data collection and filtering, carried out by way of algorithms that record, process, and filter–in real-time–the activities of each user and the info coming from external.